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  • Icy Tower 1.4 Pc Game Free Download

    At a time when every computer game released seems to add more levels of detail and complexity to the world of gaming, it’s good to see that some developers make the effort to bring out titles designed for a bit of mindless enjoyment.

    Icy Tower looks like a game that could have been made ten years ago, and even then, wouldn’t have looked particularly impressive. The game play consists of the single-minded pursuit of reaching the top of the tower in which our homeboy character finds himself by jumping onto the ledges throughout.

    This might not sound like much and frankly, it’s not. The only controls you need are left, right and jump. What makes this game fun is the speed of play, the wacky sound effects and messed-up way that you can jump three stories at once if you happen to get the perfect run up! You gather points by beating the clock to the top of each level and also by building jump combinations. The result is a quick, enjoyable game that you could come to at anytime and play for a minute or half-an-hour.

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